La Chureca, Nicaragua

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

For Teaching With Technology: Podcasting

After listening to the podcast about the students at Willow meadow Elementary School, I have generated five ways I can use podcasting in Spanish Instruction:

Podcasts can be used in the following ways to assist instruction in the Content Area of Spanish:

1. Giving How to's:  teachers can use a podcast to give instructions/directions of how to make a podcast in Spanish = Teacher Generated.

2. Listening Activity: Teacher makes listening activity in Spanish and has students listen and respond to questions about the information/conversation they are listening to in Spanish for comprehension = Teacher Generated.

3. Festival of San Fermin: Students responsible for a segment of a show commentating about the history and current events of the "Running of the Bulls and Festival of San Fermin in Spain"= Student Generated.

4. Grammar Rules/ Info Sharing Song: students make up songs that will help them remember the latest grammar rules/ information they have learned in Spanish and post tehm as a podcast to share with the class = Student Generated.

5. Podcast Study Guide: Students get to teach each other what they have learned over the course of a unit in Spanish by creating a radio show podcast of the important themes to study for in an upcoming exam = Student Generated.