La Chureca, Nicaragua

Music Corner

Some Songs that have become recordings:
(I decided maybe I should start putting them in one place)

John 1:14 Funk
This is the song I made on garage band before I moved to Italy... procrastination central--aka I couldn't make myself pack and so I played on garage band all the time!

This Time for Africa (Waka Waka)
Cover of Shakira's song--My Elementary kids are singing it and so I have this song stuck in my head all the time!

Dwell Psalm 91
This is the worship song I wrote based on Psalm 91:1; I made it into an mp3 from Nikki's facebook video she posted, so there are some extra noises (i think Luca playing in the background) and the voices are a little faint at first :)

My Friend John 15:13
Song I wrote to the Crack Shack ladies and friends for Graduation 2010

How Great is Our God (Italian version)
I recorded How Great is Our God with my itouch voice memo option at church a few weeks ago because I really loved hearing this familiar song in Italian!