La Chureca, Nicaragua

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Looky here!

Piazza di Unita... Gentleman enjoying wine and snacks in the afternoon. 

Sunset by the boats

we went to a Reggae Concert, "Desnuda Playa" in the Canal last night!
(Left to right: Kaitlin, Me, Liz, Kristin, Lizzy)

The guy in the gray sweatshirt made it to the "let me take a stealth picture category"... He had interesting facial hair that i didn't get a good picture of!


Alli said...

looks like you're making some good memories!

Diane said...

absolutely beautiful photos!! It is weird to see you guys all bundled up in winter coats! Still sweating over here in Asia.

Nichole said...

OMG look at you in coats!!! so weird! lol I like that girls outfit to the right!

JGMalacarne said...

¡Que tuani!

These make me love, hate, and miss you all at the same time.

Que le vaya bien,